Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 30: One Month And Still Posting

Wow... My husband totally surprised me tonight.

If you remember, I work 4-10's and have Mondays off. He walked in the door tonight with roses, King crab, and apples with caramel dip...

All my favorites..

He said Happy Mother's Day... yes, I know, it's Monday and mother's day was yesterday... but it was nice that he did that, even if I am not the mother of his children... it was nice of him to recognize that I am a mother.

I love crab. It's my favorite food in the whole wide world (said with a little girl voice), but I also think I have a slight allergy to it because whenever I eat crab... King or Snow... I get a little fuzzy in my eyelids and very very very tired.

Speaking of tired...

Nite World