Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 12: Too tired to be interesting tonight

I am exhausted. I've felt extremely emotional this past week and it's catching up with me.

There have been some new developments in the work saga/drama and I fully intend on posting about it, and there's tons more to tell about my dysfunctional childhood (it's a wonder I'm a sane adult.... oh wait.... am I?)

But for tonight I'll just post another awesome pic, say that I hope everyone had a wonderful day today, and that I hope everyone's tomorrow is fruitful and pleasant.

Thank God tomorrow is Friday!

I will add, I never realized how difficult it would be to keep a simple commitment like posting every night for 365 days. Sheesh.... If I'm going to accomplish this goal I'm going to have to get a little more organized about it.

It wouldn't seem that difficult.... so I realize that I have to somehow make this routine, rather than the after thought... Every night it's been the same... Yawn... Stretch... look at the clock and think about sleep then BING... oh crap! I haven't posted yet!

Or worse, falling asleep watching TV and waking up to drag myself to bed, only to jump back out of bed to come and quickly post.

If I keep up that pattern I'll never succeed at this.

Sweet Dreams World...