Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 6: Thank God It's Friday - Seriously

I had the WORST day ever at work today! Here it is 10:36 at night and I'm still reeling from it.

The backstory:

I've worked at this company for 2-1/2 years. I started in one position, and applied for and received a promotion into a management position in October of 2008. Myself and two other employees were given a "trial period", with the understanding that only two of us were going to receive a promotion. I ended up being one of the two. Approximately 6 months after that the other employee turned in his resignation, and that left only me.

For approximately 6 months I was the only person in the position and then we had another employee, who could medically no longer do her position, request to be temporarily placed in the position. Since it was actually supposed to be a multi-person department it worked well. She needed the break from her job, we needed another person. I trained her for the position.

A 2nd and 3rd permanent position were posted and the temporary employee and one other girl were hired, I spent a week or two training the other girl for the position. Now we are three.

While it was only myself, my boss mentioned one day that he felt badly that my department was poorly neglected. I never felt that. I appreciate being told what is expected of me and then being left alone to do it. I do not do well under "micro-management" and so where he felt he was neglecting the department, I felt he was trusting me to do my job.

I mentioned to him, half serious and half joking, that he should make me the department manager and told him that would ensure that anybody he hired after me would be managed and he would no longer have to feel that the department was neglected.

Shortly after our conversation, he informed me that he had mentioned my proposal to his boss, the Vice President of our company.

It was after that that the other two employees were hired. I had my review shortly after they were hired and during that review my boss informed me that although the budget did not allow him to create a "new" position, that as far as he was concerned "You run the department".

In my review he put in writing that I had assumed a leadership role in the department, and that he would like to see me further that.

Now... I never mentioned to the other women who were hired that he had said that. I never told them it was written in my review that I was in charge. I did not feel that my place, I believe it to be his.

Believing myself to be "in charge", there were certain responsibilities that were given to me, that were not extended to the other employees, that I chose not to voluntarily extend to them or train them on.

Very simple things. Infinitesimal things. Things of no importance as to who performed them...

I was out ill on Tue and Wed and when I returned yesterday, although there was a lot of playing around in the office, I felt unease and could not put my finger on it.

Today I realized very quickly that I was being given the cold shoulder by my fellow co-workers. Actually, that is a very mild statement to try and describe the extent of the "black out" I was experiencing. I was being completely and totally ignored to the point that it was extremely obvious.

I began to feel very irritated. I began feeling very defensive and wondered why on Earth would these two girls be upset with me? What on Earth could I have done that would illicit such passive/aggressive behavior from them toward me.

I got up from my desk and took a short break and when I returned I confronted them.

I asked them if there was a problem. To my surprise (even though I knew there was) the reaction I got was two very stone faced women staring me down.

So I pursued. "What is it?" I asked.

Apparently, while I was gone, they asked my boss if he could perform one of the tasks that I still performed myself, for them, when they needed. He told them they could do that themselves and showed them how they could access the tools to do it. But that's not all. He then made fun of them for not knowing how to do it... (he's a prankster that way... he likes to tease and push buttons). One of the girls told me that he claimed they were lying about not being "allowed" to perform those tasks.

As soon as she said "allowed" to perform those tasks I felt embarrassed and ashamed because I had never intended it to "come off like that".

Here's the problem. Although they were very simple things, now I am perceived as being sneaky, conniving and controlling...

Another thing I have always done, even before the other employee left, is to give a class to our new trainees on Wednesdays every week. When I had my surgery in January, the other girl (still a temp at the time) gave the class once. I never considered this would change, and that one of the other two women could give the class if I am not available; however, now I have been stripped of that duty as well by these women.

I was TOLD that they will be taking turns giving the class. Because my boss has never voiced "my authority"... I have no recourse. I can not state "No, I will continue to give the class unless I am unable"

In my review it states that I am the point person for the department. This morning I decided to follow up on an e-mail sent by one of the women to one of our supervisors. I went out and began a discussion with the supervisor asking her how she trains her team members. As point person for the department, that would be expected of me, but because this is an unstated "state of being"... it was simply considered one more "tick" towards my being sneaking, conniving and controlling.

In one single day, by one simple act, I have lost the respect of my co-workers, I have lost the trust of my co-workers, and I have been stripped of all my "un-stated" authority and I can't do a thing about it.

How do I know I've lost their trust and respect? Simple... they told me so.

For the first time in 2-1/2 years, I think the Lord is getting ready to move me. I hope I like my next job as much as I've loved this one.


Angelus: said...

Hi, I hope the weekend and week ahead gives you some relief from the issues that have been, and that you get a chance to smile and laugh more. Thank you for coming to my Blog and reading my poetry. I hope that in some way they bring about perhaps some comfort or even respite from the pressures that have been for you.